This year, my 43rd year operating sesiid pheromone traps in Louisiana. I am currently operating 103 of these traps. I have captured nearly 2,000 adult sesiids so far in 2018. Question about which lures to use. Answer is 'all of them'. I have used lures from commercial suppliers worldwide, from private collectors worldwide, and have ordered and used thousands of such lures, including numerous hundreds of special order lures. The results has been what was a grand total of 2 species of sesiids known and reported in scientific literature for my State of Louisiana before I started has now exceeded 60 species captured in Louisiana.
Here are the lures I am using this year:
1. Squash vine borer X 2
2. PB PEHY Pennisetia hylaeiformis X 2
3. Scentry Synanthedon bibionipennis X 3
4. Scentry L103 X 3
5. Scentry L103 X 3
6. PB Synanthedon vespiformis X 2
7. Grape Root Borer X 3
8. Scentry Lesser Peach Tree Borer X 3
9. Sequoiae Pitch Moth X 3
10. Synanthedon fatifera X 3
11. Scentry Synanthedon scitula X 3
12. Scentry Synanthedon scitula X 3
13. Scentry Synanthedon scitula X 4
14. Grape Root Borer x 3
15. Scenturian Western Poplar X 3
16. Scenturian Western Poplar X 4
17. Synanthedon viburnum X 3
18. Synanthedon rubrofascia X 4
19. Squash vine borer X 4
20. Synanthedon rubrofascia X 4
21. Squash vine borer X 4
22. Paranthrene asilipennis X 3
23. Squash vine borer X 4
24. Synanthedon cuculiformis X 3
25. Scentry Lesser Peach Tree Borer X 4
26. Paranthrene asilipennis X 3
27. Holland-1 X 1
28. Grape Root Borer x 4
29. Grape Root Borer x 4
30. EZ3,13OH/EZ2,13OH, 13Ald (1/1/1) X 1
31. Synanthedon tipuliformis X 1
32. Scentry Synanthedon scitula X 4
33. Scentry Lesser Peach Tree Borer X 4
34. Grape Root Borer X 4
35. Synanthedon tipuliformis X 2
36. Scenturian Sequoiae Pitch Moth X 3
37. Sesuia apiformis X 2
38. ZZ2,13OH (new) X 1
39. Scentry Lesser Peach Tree Borer X 3
40. Sequoiae Pitch Moth X 2/Western Poplar X 2
41. Scentry Synanthedon fatifera X 4
42. Sequoiae Pitch Moth X 2/Western Poplar X 2
43. Synanthedon fatifera X 4
44. Synanthedon rubrofascia X 4
45. Paranthrene asilipennis X 3
46. Scentry L103 X 3
47. Scenturian Lesser Peachtree Borer X 4
48. Scenturian Lesser Peachtree Borer X 4
49. Scentry Synanthedon fatifera X 3
50. Synanthedon myopaeformis X 2
51. Synanthedon fatifera X 3
52. Scentry Synanthedon bibionipennis X 4
53. Scentry L103 X 3
54. Scentry Synanthedon viburni (15 mg, a.i) X4
55. Scenturian Western Poplar X 4
56. Scenturian Western Poplar X 4
57. PB PEHY Pennisetia hylaeiformis X 2
58. Scentry Lesser Peach Tree Borer X 3
59. Scentry Synanthedon scitula X 3
60. Scentry Synanthedon bibionipennis X 4
61. Scentry Synanthedon scitula X 3
62. Alpha Scents Pennisetia bohemica X 4
63. Squash vine borer X 4
64. Scentry Synanthedon scitula X 3
Traps semiochemical lure identifications total luresTraps semiochemical lure identifications total lures
8 Synanthedon pictipes 25
7 Synanthedon scitula 23
5 Grape root borer 20
5 Squash vine borer 18
5 Synanthedon fatifera 17
4 Western poplar 15
4 Scentry L103 12
3 Synanthedon rubrofasciata 12
3 Synanthedon bibliopennis 11
3 Paranthrene asilipennis 9
2 Synanthedon virburnum 7
2 Sequioa pitch moth 6
2 Pennisetia hylaeiformis 4
2 (1/1) Western poplar/sequoiae pitch moth 4
2 Synanthedon tipuliformis 3
1 Pennisetia bohemica 4
1 Synanthedon cuculiformis 3
1 Sesia apiformis 2
1 Synanthedon vespiformis 2
1 Holland 1 1
1 (1/1/1) EZ3,13OH/EZ2,13OH, 13Ald 1
1 ZZ2,13OH (new) 1
Fig. 3. Synopsis of number of traps (64) using specific semiochemical lures (200) used in this study.
Semiochemical sesiidae lures used at the Abita Entomological Study Site in 2018
1.Sequoiae pitch moth X3
2.Scentry L103 X3
3.Western poplar 2017 X9
4.Sequoiae pitch moth X2
5.Scentry L103 X4
6.AS08 (Japan) X1
7.Synanthedon scitula Alpha Scents (2017) X4
8.Scentry L103 (2017) X4
9.Sesia apiformis X2
10.FP Paranthrene tabaniformis (2010) X2
11.Podosesia aureocincta (2010) X2
12.E2Z13-18:Al X1
13.Paranthrene tabaniformis X3
14.Synanthedon bibliopennis X4
15.Synanthedon scitula Scen X3
16.Synanthedon bibliopennis X3
17.Synanthedon tipuliformis X3
18.Synanthedon bibliopennis X3
19.Synanthedon scitula Scentry X3
20.Synanthedon bibliopennis X4
21.Synanthedon bibliopennis X4
22.Squash Vine Borer (used) X2
23.Synanthedon bibliopennis X3
24.Synanthedon bibliopennis X3
25.Scentry L103 X4
26.Paranthrene asilipennis X2
27.Synanthedon culiciformis X2
28.Synanthedon scoliaeformis X4
29.Scentry L103 2017 X3
30.Phero Base Squash Vine Borer X4
31.Phero Base Squash Vine Borer X4
32 Synanthedon virburnum X4
33.Scentry L103 x1
34.R18 (Japan) X1
35.Grape Root Borer X 1
36.AS03 (Japan) X1
37.R21 (Japan) X1
38.AS04 (Japan) X1
39.R24 (Japan) X1
Fig. 3. Synopsis of number of traps (39) using specific semiochemical lures (109) used in this study.
7 Synanthedon bibliopennis
6 Scentry L103
3 Synanthedon scitula
3 Squash Vine Borer
2 Synanthedon scoliaeformis
2 Sequoiae pitch moth
1 Synanthedon viburnum
1 Synanthedon tipuliformis
1 Synanthedon cuculiformis
1 Paranthrene asilipennis
1 Paranthrene tabaniformis
1 Western poplar
1 Podosesia aureocincta
1 E2Z13-18:Al
1 Sesia apiformis
1 AS08 (Japan)
1 AS03 (Japan) 1 AS04 (Japan)
1 R21 (Japan)1 R18 (Japan)1 Grape Root Borer
Fig. 2. Commercial and special order semiochemical lures used in this study.
Numbers of traps X Lure identifications
Here are a small numnber of specimens I field pinned this week.