Another very pleasing butterfly species which
I recently acquired is this Sasakia charonda
(male). Commonly known as the Japanese emperor
or great purple emperor this widespread species
is spectacular for its depth of purple AND 5 color
It is native to Japan and has been the national
butterfly there since 1957. However, it is also
found on the Korean peninsula, China, northern
Taiwan, and northern Vietnam. The data envelope
on this one reads north Laos (2018).
The "forewings length" on males is said to average 50mm.
Females around 65mm. This specimen is 102mm.
Much like all the truly great nymphalid species
the world over it is a butterfly of the upper canopy
in forests. It may only be occasionally encountered
imbibing salt or feeding.
I was told that the Chinese versions (subspecies ?)
are relatively common in the hobby and very cheap
(pricewise). Perhaps, they breed them. The other
subspecies ? or(locals) are less often seen and cost
a bit more.
I find this species very notable for it size and color
and it certainly should be an nice addition to anyone's
collection if you can get one.