Great site with very nice photos ! Keep on the good work. I see you have put the correct 'common names' for some species (I guess for them you already know or can easily find on the net the latin name,or you'd like me to tell the scientific names ?) ,-but there are also few mistakes.
With the time I have available at the moment, I'm making a list below,of the first page of your site ('insects 1'), correcting the few mistakes, telling the latin name for the species you haven't identified, and also for the ones you have found the correct common name (maybe you already know the scinetific names for them or can easily find on the net/books, but I write them all in the completed list below ,-when I leave one it means I must search a bit to tell you the correct species or is a spider
LIST -Insects 1 :
# of photo Species
1 Argynnis lathonia
2 Catocala elocata
3 Neptis sappho
4 Melitaea didyma
5 Pieris mannii
6 Lycaena dispar rutila, male
7 Hemistola chrysoprasaria
8 Pseudopanthera macularia
9 Euchloe ausonia, male
10 Iphiclides podalirius, male
11 Papilio machaon, larvae
12 Lycaena thersamon, female (not Sooty Copper : Lycaena tityrus)
13 Hyles euphorbiae, larva
14 Brintesia(Kanetisa) circe, female (not White Admiral : Limenitis camilla)
15 Brintesia circe ,female, too.
16 Polygonia c-album, Brintesia circe, and Cetonia aurata
17 male Palpares libelluloides (Neuroptera;Myrmeleontidae)
18 Sympetrum fonscolombei (yellowish pterostigma)
19 larva of Acherontia atropos
20 Iphiclides podalirius
21 Melitaea phoebe, male
22 Papilio machaon
23 Pieris rapae(Small White), male (not Large White : Pieris brassicae)
24 + 25 Macroglossum stellatarum
26 most possibly Saturnia pavoniella, female
27 + 28 Arctia villica, males
29 + 30 Callimenus macrogaster
31,32 + 33 Sympetrum fonscolombei
35 Cordulegaster insignis, male (not Lanthus vernalis)
36 + 37 Agrion virgo, males
38 Agrion virgo, female
40 Gymnopleurus sp.
41 Tabanus sp.
45 Bombus sp. (probably B.hortorum or B.ruderatus)
46 Megascolia maculata , female
47 Purpuricenus budensis, male, --correct
48 Monochamus galloprovincialis, female --correct
49 nymph of Empusa fasciata (this occurs in SE Europe)
50 Iris oratoria, --correct
51 Mantis religiosa, --correct
52 Empusa fasciata .
Hope was helpful. With more time (I'll try it), if not already helped by someone else, I'll identify the species of your other 3 pages of your site.
PS: Do you know Saturnia spini ?? It looks like the grey female of S.pavoniella and S.pavonia. It occurs in Bulgaria and its flight period is late April/May. Here it occurs in N.Greece, where it's very rare. I've cought only 1 male so far myself, and have got 1 pair from Bulgaria. If you find it, I'm interested